Parent Chloe Tay (2022)
We started sending our son to school when he was 7 months old (the youngest kid in school) Despite being so young, the Headmaster (Cherry) and teachers (especially Jing Yi) gave us full assurance and confidence to send him to school. Parents have zero worries as the teachers there are extremely professional and loving. I strongly recommend this pre school as they provide great education and the people and family members around me sees a great progression in our son and trust me, no regret.
Parent Shir Li (2022)
All teachers are very caring, the environment is good and clean. All teachers are helpful to parents and children ❤️
Parent Kit Ying Chua (2022)
Great environment and loving teachers. Love seeing how my toddler grows and learn in a happy and safe place.
Parent Azureen Fauzi (2022)
My son is having a great time here. The teachers are friendly and always there to help. A pleasant place with excellent educational resources. Thank you teachers
Parent Agnest (2021):
Your wisdom, dedication, and kindness will always lead the kids to the right path and inspire them to be better human beings. My kids Zowie & William appreciates you very much!
Parent Yen May (2021):
A heartfelt thank you to all Victoriashire Teachers, spend time, energy and love to care to educate our children. Appreciated so much!
Parent John (2021):
My salute and respect to all of the teachers in Victoriashire for their patient, caring and dedication in taking care of our little monster and providing a fun and enjoyable moments to them. Happy teachers' day to you all and a big applause to all of you.
Parent Vicky (2021 May):
Wishing all VIS teachers a Happy Teachers’ Day. Thank you for your commitment in making the best for our kids!
Parent Suet (2021):
A good preschool with a group of passionate and competent educators.
Jayven's Parent (2021 May):
We appreciate VIS efforts for teaching my kid patiently and guiding them to be better, kinder human beings in the future!
Parent Kit (2021 May):
"I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to all the teachers in VIS in this very special day.
Without the unconditional cares that given by teachers, nana will not feels like home at school.
Without the meticulous guidance by the teachers, nana will not learn and improve so much in such a short period.
Thanks for providing a friendly and warm learning environment to our girl, and take her in with wholehearted into the big VIS family. Happy Teacher's Day!"
Parent Yong Lee Ching (2020):
"Since being enrolled at Victoriashire, I can see Ethan's improvement in behaviour and attitudes. Thank you teachers for your patience and guidance tailored for each individual child. Looking back the 3 months online coaching, I truly appreciate the teachers and not to forget the school founder, Ms Chui, for all their hard works and preparation work done for the parents and children! I trust VIS will provide a safe and trustworthy education environment to the children, and I love the way of their teaching, hands on project learning. Also, through games to challenge their skill, knowledge and understanding.
Rafif's Parent (2020, Dec)
I am very happy with the environment, the material given and lesson that conduct in the school. My son have improve a lot compared to the first time he entered the school. Although this year is challenging for us, we managed to do our part as a parents and teachers. Thank you so much for your effort.
Nana's Parent (2020, Dec)
VIS is doing a great job under this critical circumstances of the plague outbreak. All the decision making was always prioritize the welfare of students and parents despite the sudden and prompt decision by the authority. Last and most importantly, it's much appreciated for all the efforts and patience that the teachers put into my girl NaNa albeit her speech delay. Even only attend schools for 3 months, we can see a leap of improvement from Nana, she also pick up a lot of skills. In short, we made the right decision to send our girl to the right school.
Parent Karry (2019):
"I would like to thank you for all the help Victoriashire gave Karine during the past semester. All the teachers were so patient and show 100% lovely heart to take care of my daughter. During the nursery stage in Victoriashire, Karine succeeded to learn independence and show her enthusiasm to her school life.
Again, thanks for you and all professional teachers and all good blessings to
Parent Anne Law (2019):
"I had seen lots improvement in my kid with the coaching and guidance from the coaches and the management always keep the parents up to date on my child performance.
The principle and managements is able to address my concerns on time. Well done to the management and coaches.
I am glad i sent my kid to this school. I can see her leadership skill and communication skills improve and with the exciting enrichment activities arranged by the school,my kid love school and even ask me to sent him to school on weekend.
Special thanks to teacher Chui and teacher Yan and the team of educators and supportive principle.Keep up the great job."
Parent Pam (2019):
"Our son Lim Leon (AnAn) newly enrolled into Victoriashire International Kindergarten in June 2019. He has been growing for the past two and a half months, which is unexpected. He can settle down within the first week. The teacher's friendly, nurturing and professional manner helped him settle into daily routines quickly. In the time that he has been attending, his skill in interpersonal relationships and communication has developed immensely. We must thanks to Ms.Chui and all the teachers for their efforts, care and concern. We wish the centre every success in the coming years."
Parent Clara (2019):
"Carson really lucky to meet a class of patient and caring teachers. He was very naughty and had his own temper and character. This problem has bothered me for a long time, til I met Victoriashire Principal said that children are like that, it doesn't matter. International education philosophy are different from other preschool. So I decided to give Carson try a holiday camp. After a day, I was very happy to have found that Carson's heart was open. He learnt very fast and start willing to communicate with us too. Then I start to enroll Carson for the classes. Carson's progress is really unexpected. Thank you very much!" - Carson's Mommy, Clara.
Parent Peng (2019):
"World-class educators and school providing high quality integrated education to preschoolers. Good!"